Eider Rodriguez

Eider Rodriguez

1977, Errenteria-Orereta.

She studied advertising and film and holds a doctorate in literature. She was an editor and scriptwriter and now teaches in the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature at the University of the Basque Country.

She has published one novel (Eraikuntzarako materiala, Susa, 2021) and four books of short stories: Eta handik gutxira gaur (And shortly after today, Susa, 2004), Haragia (Meat, Susa, 2007) Katu jendea (Cat people, Elkar, 2010) and Bihotz handiegia (A heart too big, Susa, 2017).

Besides short stories, she has also worked in other literary genres: the literary essays Itsasoa da bide bakarra. Joseba Sarrionandia irakurriz (The only way is the sea: Reading Joseba Sarrionandia, Utriusque Vasconiae, 2014) and Idazleen gorputzak: egiletasuna ezbaian literaturaren joko-zelaian (Writers’ bodies: Authorship in the field of disputed literature, Susa, 2019); the graphic novel Santa Familia (Holy family, Ikastolen Elkartea-Xabiroi, 2017); and in children’s literature, Nikoleta eta gaua (Nikoleta and the night) and Oilasko hegalak (Chicken wings).