Irati Jimenez (Mundaka, 1977) has been a journalist in press, television and radio. She was the last director of the cultural magazine Nabarra and is now a specialist in a communication and content creation consultancy for the Internet. Since she published Bat, bi, Manchester (One. Two, Manchester) in 2006, a short novel awarded the Augustin Zubikarai Prize, her short stories, essays and novels have continued to win awards and recognition as important as the Donostia Hiria Prize in the short story category and the Miguel de Unamuno Prize for essays in Basque. She also won, among other awards, the Beterriko Saria Prize for best book of the year in Basque for the novel Nora ez dakizun hori (What You Don’t Know Nora), which has been published in Spain and Chile and has been translated into Italian and Russian. With her latest published work, Begiak zabalduko zaizkizue, she was awarded the Euskadi Prize in the category of essays in Basque.