What One Loves

Miren Billelabeitia

What One Loves

Pamiela 2022
222 Pages
Original title: Norberak maite duena
ISBN: 978-84-9172-298-4
Translated into: click here

In this book, I have maintained the thread of reflection which I have had in the pleasure of reading and what I have learnt in the field of literature since I started writing. Here is what we have contemplated over the years in conversations about books with students and young people; what and how we read, what the readings suggested. Rarely do books about reading feature the opinions of young readers. The innovation of this work, structured in 17 chapters, is an example of the concerns, opinions and considerations which reading creates amongst young readers, teenagers. No book is too difficult if read as a group empathetically, if the propositions and profound convictions of books are understood together.  The readings and the reflective discussions which follow train readers not only to give critical opinions but also how to talk in public, address memory writing and develop creative writing too.

Miren Billelabeitia

Miren Billelabeitia, (Mungia 1960). With a BA in Basque Philology, she teaches world literature, Basque and literature at the Mungia Secondary School (Biscay). She has researched reflections on reading pedagogy and the practice of encouraging reading. She has given talks and training sessions in schools and on summer courses on teaching literature and literary discussion. Publications: Euskal literaturaren historia (The History of Basque Literature, 2003), Eskemas de euskera (An Outline of Basque, 2003), Lauaxeta. Oihartzunak (Lauaxeta: Echoes, 2008). Together with pupils at the Mungia Secondary School, Aitita-amamen guda zibila (Our Grandparents’ Civil War, 2019). Some of her articles in translation: "Ramon Saizarbitoria´s Lili eta biok (Lili and Me, 2015): The Spanish Civil War and the Investigative Novel" in Contemporary Basque Detective and Crime Fiction (Center for Basque Studies University of Nevada, Reno, 2023) and "Libros en el campo de fútbol. Hábitos de de lectura de los futbolistas vascos" (Books on the Field of Play: Reading Habits of Basque Footballers) in Libros en el terreno de juego (Books on the Field of Play, 2023). The work Norberak maite duena (What One Loves, 2022) won the 2023 Euskadi Prize. 

Miren Billelabeitia

Foreign rights

Miren Billelabeitia
