Fito Rodriguez gained a BA in Philosophy and Letters in 1978, and completed a doctorate in Educational Sciences in 1988. He lectured at the University of the Basque Country. He has contributed to many Basque media: the newspapers Egin, Gara and Berria; the radio stations Egin Irratia, Info7 and Euskadi Irratia; and the print media Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Susa, Iralka, Ele, Bat, Tantak, Larrun, Ezpala, Bertsolari, Argia, Isilik, Jakin, Hik Hasi, Uztaro, RIEV, Euskerazaintza, EGAN and Bazka. His work includes surrealism, meditative literature, meta-literature and essays. He has been the chair of the Basque Writers’ Association, and a member of the board of Euskal PEN.